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  • World Gold Council appoints John Reade as Chief Market Strategist
  • World Gold Council appoints John Reade as Chief Market Strategist

    The World Gold Council today announced that it has appointed John Reade as Chief Market Strategist. John joins the World Gold Council from Paulson & Co, where he served as Managing Partner of Paulson Europe and Gold Strategist. Prior to Paulson & Co, John worked at UBS as the Precious Metal Strategist for a number of years. He is widely viewed as one of the preeminent gold analysts in the world. 

    John will help the World Gold Council to meet the increasing demand for insights and information on the role that gold can play in managing risk and boosting returns in both individual and institutional investor portfolios. 

    Gold was one of the best performing assets last year, returning 8% in US$ terms. Over the past ten years, its dollar value has increased by 80%. Gold’s performance and the geopolitical and macro-economic outlook have substantially increased interest in gold from investors around the world. This includes both the re-emergence of old investors, such as German households who have become prolific buyers of gold since the financial crisis, as well as new institutional investors, such as pension and insurance funds and investment banks. Recently, we have also seen a surge in interest from the Middle East and South East Asia, following last year’s issuance of a new Shari’ah Standard on Gold. 

    Aram Shishmanian, CEO of the World Gold Council, said: 
    “We are seeing a step change in mainstream investors’ interest in gold, partly driven by gold’s recent price performance and partly by the ongoing risk environment. Far from easing, 2017 has ushered in an even more complex set of political and economic conditions for investors and fund managers to navigate. Inflated stock market valuations, Brexit and fears of currency depreciation and the divergence in monetary policies in the US and Europe are a number of the intricacies that investors face. John will play a crucial role in helping to analyse market conditions and inform investors and policy makers of the stabilising role that gold can play in a world of heightened risk.” 

    John Reade said: “I am delighted to join the World Gold Council and look forward to my role as Market Strategist. I believe there will be great benefits from combining the expertise and contacts of the World Gold Council’s existing team with the insights generated from my three decades working in precious metals strategy and related fields”.

    John joined the World Gold Council as Chief Market Strategist on 1st February 2017 and reports to Aram Shishmanian.


    For further information please contact:
    Dan Adkins
    T   +44 203 047 2310
    E   [email protected]

    Note to editors:

    World Gold Council
    The World Gold Council is the market development organisation for the gold industry. Our purpose is to stimulate and sustain demand for gold, provide industry leadership, and be the global authority on the gold market. 

    We develop gold-backed solutions, services and products, based on authoritative market insight and we work with a range of partners to put our ideas into action. As a result, we create structural shifts in demand for gold across key market sectors. We provide insights into the international gold markets, helping people to understand the wealth preservation qualities of gold and its role in meeting the social and environmental needs of society. 

    The membership of the World Gold Council includes the world’s leading and most forward thinking gold mining companies.

    You can follow the World Gold Council on Twitter at @goldcouncil and Like on Facebook.