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    Gold recycling: new report examines the evolving industry that contributes a third of global gold supply

    “The Ups and Downs of Gold Recycling: Understanding Market Drivers and Industry Challenges,” written and published today by the World Gold Council and The Boston Consulting Group (BCG), analysesthe economic drivers of the global gold recycling market and highlights important future industry trends including; a shift in concentration of gold recycling from west to east, increased difficulty in obtaining gold from electronic products as less is used in modern devices, and potential consolidation within the recycling industry across the entire value chain.

    2014 年を第4 四半期の旺盛な金需要により締めくくる 宝飾品と中央銀行の需要が牽引

    ワールド ゴールド カウンシルがまとめた最新の『ゴールド・デマンド・トレンド』によると、2014 年通期 の世界の金需要は2013 年の極端な需要から落ち着いた水準へと安定化しました。通年の金需要 は3,924 トンで、2013 年から4%低下しました。第4 四半期の需要は宝飾品と中央銀行による購入を 牽引役として前年同期比6%増の987 トンとなり、旺盛な需要と共に1 年を締めくくりました。

    2014 ends with strong gold demand in Q4, driven by jewellery and central banks

    2014 saw a stabilisation of the gold market as it pulled back from the extremes of 2013, according to the latest Gold Demand Trends full year report from the World Gold Council. Annual gold demand was 3,924 tonnes (t), 4% lower than 2013. The year ended strongly, with gold demand in Q4 2014 up 6% year on year to 987t, driven by demand for jewellery and central bank buying.

    Turkey: new report highlights gold’s role in supporting the economy and modern society

    A new report “Turkey: gold in action” from the World Gold Council, released today, explores the role gold plays in the daily life of the world’s fourth largest consumer of gold, as well as examining its contribution to supporting the national economy.

    Shanghai Gold Exchange and World Gold Council partner to develop the Shanghai Free Trade Zone as a global gold market

    Today, the Shanghai Gold Exchange and the World Gold Council, the market development organisation for the gold industry, signed a ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ regarding a ‘Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation Agreement.’ The Shanghai Gold Exchange is the largest physical gold exchange worldwide and the World Gold Council is the global authority on the gold industry. Together, these two organisations are joining hands to support the development of both domestic and international gold trading in China by leveraging the opportunity provided by the internationalisation of the Chinese gold market, through the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, to support market expansion. The agreement will support the development of gold investment products and solutions for the industry and investors both regionally and globally.