Press releases
Gold Commentary
Nutzung von Goldreserven als Alternative zu Sparmaßnahmen: World Gold Council veröffentlicht Studie über Italien
Die Studie zeigt, dass eine große Mehrheit der italienischen Führungskräfte (92%) und Bürger (85%) der Auffassung sind, dass die Goldreserven des Landes bei der wirtschaftlichen Erholung des Landes eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Nur 4% der Bürger und Führungskräfte würden den Verkauf der italienischen…
Gold as an alternative to austerity: World Gold Council publishes report on Italy
Italian business leaders (92%) and citizens (85%) overwhelmingly agree that the nation’s gold reserves have an important and positive role to play in the country’s economic recovery.
New report urges investors to review risk allocation strategy
The World Gold Council has today released its latest quarterly investment journal, Gold Investor, which includes the research paper; Gold holdings: ample room for growth in a broad and liquid market. The paper highlights how the rapid growth of ‘paper’ assets driven by financial innovation, expansionary…
World Malaria Day: Gold helps transform malaria diagnosis
Malaria still kills more than 660,000 people every year according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the fight against the disease is being transformed by Rapid Diagnosis Tests (RDTs) which use tiny amounts of gold to identify patients in less than 20 minutes. Gold’s role in this important…
Commentary on the gold market from the World Gold Council
“It has become increasingly clear over the course of the past week that the fall in the gold price was triggered by speculative traders operating in the futures markets. Their short-term view of generating a trading profit is in stark contrast to the views of long term investors in gold, as evidenced…