Performance metrics

Gold is a liquid asset, ranking at levels comparable to many global stock markets as well as currency spreads. Its liquidity is often sourced during periods of stress in the markets, one of its appealing qualities. We examine liquidity across the global OTC, futures, and ETF markets. We then provide an overview/ aggregation of gold trading volumes across trading venues and product types.


Cross-asset trading volumes

Average daily trading volumes for gold and other major asset classes by in US$bn

Cross-asset trading volumes

Cross-asset trading volumes
Average daily trading volumes for gold and other major asset classes by in US$bn

Data as of

Sources: Bloomberg, Bank for International Settlements, International Capital Market Association (ICMA), Nasdaq, World Gold Council; Disclaimer

Note: Based on estimated average daily trading volumes from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024, except for currencies that correspond to April 2022 daily volumes due to data availability, and UK Gilts and German Bunds that correspond to 2023 data. Gold liquidity includes estimates on OTC transactions and published statistics on futures exchanges, and gold-backed exchange-traded products.


Gold trading volumes

Gold trading volumes

Average daily gold trading volumes by segment in US$bn 

Gold trading volumes

Data as of

* Indicates non-available current data. Latest available figures are used instead and displayed for reference only.
Sources: Bloomberg, COMEX, Dubai Gold & Commodities Exchange, ICE Benchmark Administration, Multi Commodity Exchange of India, Nasdaq, Shanghai Gold Exchange, Shanghai Futures Exchange, Tokyo Commodities Exchange, World Gold Council; Disclaimer
Note: To purchase historical CME data, please visit CME DataMine

Data Series Description

Volumes represent estimated daily averages in billions of US dollars (US$bn) over each corresponding period. For information, see Methodology.

LBMA volumes based on the weekly report by the LBMA 

Non-LBMA data corresponds to estimated over-the-counter (OTC)trading volumes not captured by the reported LBMA Trade Data. This figure is intended to account for OTC trading by non-LBMA members or by platforms not included in the report. Based on analysis of indirect data and anecdotal evidence, we estimate that starting from March 2024, non-LBMA trading may contribute an additional 2.5% to 7.5% of the volume reported by LBMA, with a mid-value of 5% represented in the non-LBMA calculation in the table. Between November 2018 and February 2024 we use a multiplier ranging from 5% (low) to 15% (high), with a mid-value of 10% of the corresponding total LBMA volume to account for a larger number of non-LBMA members. Note that these estimates are subject to periodical historical revisions as more data becomes available. For a historical reference on this data series, please see: Market Update: increased transparency on gold trading

Shanghai Gold Exchange OTC trade data includes trading volumes of all gold spot contracts, forwards, swaps, leasing contracts and gold options traded on the exchange’s OTC market. They include PAu9999, PAu9995, iPAu9999, iPAu995, OAu9999, LAu9995 and LAu9999. Note that only contracts with active trading volumes in 2021 are included and we divide all SGE contracts’ volumes by two as the report includes double-side-counted data. This data is reported monthly with a lag, usually between three and 13 days after the end of the month. For more information, see: trading_OTCMarket (

Shanghai Futures Exchange started to report one-side-counted trading volumes from 1 January 2020. For data prior to this date, we divide the exchange’s trading volumes by two to account for the reporting of both purchases and sales of each contract.

Shanghai Gold Exchange physical exchange-traded gold contracts include Au9999, Au9995, Au995, Au100g, PGC30g, Shanghai Benchmark Gold Price contract (SHAU), iAu9999 and iAu100g, deferred exchange-traded gold contracts include Au(T+D), mAu(T+D), Au(T+N1), Au(T+N2), NYAuTN06 and NYAuTN12. Note that only contracts with active trading volumes in 2021 are included and we divide all SGE contracts’ volumes by two as the report includes double-side-counted data. Also note that volumes of SHAU are only available in the monthly report from the SGE and we manually update this series once it is available. For more information, see: data_MonthlyReport (

All other exchanges include gold contracts traded on: Dubai Gold & Commodities Exchange, Borsa Istanbul, Bursa Malaysia, Multi Commodity Exchange of India, Moscow Exchange – RTSX (pre-21 June 2024 due to data availability), Thailand Futures Exchange, Osaka Exchange (TOCOM pre-July 2020) and Korea Exchange.

Gold ETFs volumes are estimated using a subset of the universe of physically-backed gold ETFs (and similar products) that we monitor, and for which volumes data is readily available. For more information on gold ETFs, see:

Length and frequency

Data covers the last full year, year-to-date and the last four full months.

Update Schedule

Data is published monthly but may be updated intra-month as data becomes available.


Units are based on billions of US dollars (US$bn).