A brave new world

Given the US's pivotal role in the global economy, coupled with the prevailing geopolitical uncertainties, the upcoming presidential election is viewed by many as a watershed moment with far-reaching implications.

As it stands, Republicans led by Donald Trump are ahead in the polls, but the outcome is far from secured. Furthermore, the recent events in the campaign trail – both the assassination attempt on President Trump and President Biden stepping down from the presidential race – have increased the level of uncertainty for an already divided US electorate. In this context, investors are asking about the effect of the election on gold.

Our analysis suggests that while US gold bar and coin demand seems to increase, on average, during Democratic presidencies, this is not the case with other segments of investment demand. In addition, party affiliation does not have a consistent impact on price during US elections. Instead, economic policies, both domestic and foreign, of any given president are more relevant to the behaviour of financial assets, including gold. And while, historically, the US election has not been seen as a geopolitical risk, both the world and the US electorate remain highly polarised. This in turn highlights the need for robust hedges in investor portfolios, a role that gold fulfils effectively.


  • Elections have not, historically, had a significant or immediate effect on gold's performance but regardless of the winning candidate, near-term geopolitical risks remain high and may serve as a catalyst for gold.
  • The gold price typically responds to key drivers, such as the direction of the US dollar, interest rates or perceptions of risk, which can be, of course, influenced by economic, fiscal and monetary policies of a specific administration - irrespective of party affiliation.
  • While our analysis is based on long-term historical precedent, the expectations about gold’s performance can also be informed by its observed behaviour during the previous Trump administration and current Biden presidency, assuming a continuation of policies.

Chart 1: Polling data currently points to a Republican victory

PredictIt polling data for the 2024 US presidential election*

Chart 1: Polling data currently points to a Republican victory

PredictIt polling data for the 2024 US presidential election*

Chart 1: Polling data currently points to a Republican victory
PredictIt polling data for the 2024 US presidential election*
*As of 22 July 2024. Source: Bloomberg, PredictIt, World Gold Council

Sources: Bloomberg, PredictIt, World Gold Council; Disclaimer

*As of 22 July 2024.

US election impact on gold price performance

Our analysis suggests that, historically, gold tends to perform below its long-term average in the period around the US presidential election (Chart 2). But this result has not been particularly consistent.1


Chart 2: Gold slightly underperforms around elections relative to long-term average

Gold’s average long-term performance compared to performance around presidential elections*

Chart 2: Gold slightly underperforms around elections relative to long-term average

Gold’s average long-term performance compared to performance around presidential elections*

Chart 2: Gold slightly underperforms around elections relative to long-term average
Gold’s average long-term performance compared to performance around presidential elections*
* Time period assesses ranges from 1972-2022. Error bars represent two standard deviations. We note that a Republican win -6M prior displays the strongest return, however this is skewed by the 1972 and 1980 election. If those two data points are removed, the return would be the worst out of the seven scenarios shown above. Source: Bloomberg, World Gold Council

Sources: Bloomberg, World Gold Council; Disclaimer

* Time period assesses ranges from 1972-2022. Error bars represent two standard deviations. We note that a Republican win -6M prior displays the strongest return, however this is skewed by the 1972 and 1980 election. If those two data points are removed, the return would be the worst out of the seven scenarios shown above.

There are two opposite trends. Gold appears to do slightly better six months before a Republican president is elected and it remains flat in the period post-election. Conversely, gold tends to underperform before a Democratic president is elected and perform just below its long-term average in the six months post-election. 

However, none of these results are statistically significant. There are few observations for each of the cases analysed and there is significant variability within the results.2 This may suggest that gold is not responding to the party affiliation of an elected president but, more likely, to the expected effect of specific policies.

This is also evidenced by the fact that gold does not consistently outperform during the full term of a president from one party over another.

In addition, while our analysis shows that US demand for bars and coins notably increases during Democratic presidencies, this alone is not enough to solely dictate the direction of gold (see Appendix) especially since this result is not replicated in either US gold ETFs flows or positioning in COMEX futures.

Overall, our analysis of gold and US presidential elections suggests that gold is not reacting directly to party affiliation or changes in leadership. Rather, it highlights the relevance of key global macroeconomic drivers of gold’s performance in contrast to specific local dynamics.

Is there a crystal ball this time?

Notwithstanding gold’s general behaviour during elections, this time we have the added advantage of knowing how gold performed during the previous Trump administration. Even though Biden is now not running for re-election, we can analyse the behaviour of gold under his presidency assuming there will be a continuation of his policies under a new Democratic administration.

Gold did well during both Trump and (so far) Biden presidencies through a combination of policy decisions and broader global macroeconomic drivers.

Gold rose by 60% during Trump’s presidency - increasing by nearly 30% pre-COVID and slightly over 30% during the pandemic. Under Biden, gold moved sideways initially, but has gained more than 30% during the term so far, primarily due to broader macro factors and central bank buying.


Chart 3: COVID-19’s impact on performance

Indexed price performance of gold*

Chart 3: COVID-19’s impact on performance

Indexed price performance of gold*

Chart 3: COVID-19’s impact on performance
Indexed price performance of gold*
*As of 28 June 2024. Source: Bloomberg, World Gold Council

Sources: Bloomberg, World Gold Council; Disclaimer

*As of 28 June 2024.

US elections and geopolitical risk

Our analysis has previously shown a direct connection between geopolitical risk and gold. We have found that a 100bps rise in the Geopolitical Risk (GPR) Index,3 holding all else constant, has a c.2.5% positive impact on gold’s return. This reinforces the view that gold tends to be perceived by investors as a safe haven during times of elevated geopolitical risk.

But what does this mean in relation to a US presidential election? Our analysis yields that, historically, movements in GPR around past US elections have not proven to be a major direct driver of the gold price.4 Instead, we believe this form of risk shows up indirectly, and is subject to a time lag based on the market effect of the policies – both foreign and domestic – that a given administration rolls out throughout its term. 

Similarly, BlackRock’s recent analysis on its internal geopolitical risk dashboard does not rank the upcoming US election as a top 10 geopolitical risk for 2024.5

Nevertheless, geopolitical risks remain high with little chance of a significant decline in the near future


Chart 4: Elevated geopolitical risks likely to remain

GPR Index over the past two presidencies*

Chart 4: Elevated geopolitical risks likely to remain

GPR Index over the past two presidencies*

Chart 4: Elevated geopolitical risks likely to remain
GPR Index over the past two presidencies*
*As of 28 June 2024. Source: Matteo Iacoviello, World Gold Council

Sources: Matteo Iacoviello, World Gold Council; Disclaimer

*As of 28 June 2024.

For example, if Trump is elected, he will likely confront a more polarised world than during his previous term. As such, global markets may be more reactive to the direction of his policies – especially foreign ones. For instance, recent commentary from Trump on NATO may signal continued geopolitical uncertainty.

Equally, from a GPR indicator standpoint, risk levels were significantly lower at the beginning of Biden’s presidency, compared to where they are today; they will also likely continue to rise as the election nears regardless of the candidate behind which Democrats rally (Chart 5). And a Democratic presidency with similar policies to Biden's may meet a divided Congress and have difficulty in passing legislation.


Chart 5: 2020 is a poor proxy given countries were more focused on fighting the pandemic domestically

Results from GRAM around the 2020 US Presidential Election*

Chart 5: 2020 is a poor proxy given countries were more focused on fighting the pandemic domestically

Results from GRAM around the 2020 US Presidential Election*

Chart 5: 2020 is a poor proxy given countries were more focused on fighting the pandemic domestically
Results from GRAM around the 2020 US Presidential Election*
*Results shown here are based on analysis covering an estimation period from September 2020 to August 2021. Source: Bloomberg, World Gold Council

Sources: Bloomberg, World Gold Council; Disclaimer

*Results shown here are based on analysis covering an estimation period from September 2020 to August 2021.

Further, BlackRock identifies the foremost concerns this year to be a major cyber-attack, a major terror attack, and US-China strategic competition.

All such event risks could encourage investors to include more hedges, such as gold, in their portfolios and could provide support for gold.

Our analysis suggests that the 2016 campaign serves as a suitable proxy for the upcoming election. For example, like 2016, we see a similarly divided electorate for both candidates and a potential shift in the party controlling the White House. Given Trump is currently leading in the polls we can develop a base-case expectation for likely government policy changes post-election (Chart 6). This also presents an opportunity for investors who may be underhedged and underexposed to assets like gold.


Chart 6: We view the 2016 election to be a stronger proxy for the upcoming election 

Results from GRAM around the 2016 US Presidential Election*

Chart 6: We view the 2016 election to be a stronger proxy for the upcoming election

Results from GRAM around the 2016 US Presidential Election*

Chart 6: We view the 2016 election to be a stronger proxy for the upcoming election
Results from GRAM around the 2016 US Presidential Election*
* Our Gold Return Attribution Model (GRAM) is a multiple regression model of weekly gold price returns, which we group into four key thematic driver categories of gold’s performance: economic expansion, risk & uncertainty, opportunity cost, and momentum. These themes capture motives behind gold demand; most importantly, investment demand, which is considered the marginal driver of gold price returns in the short run. ‘Unexplained’ represents the percentage change in the gold price that is not explained by factors already included. Results shown here are based on analysis covering an estimation period from September 2016 to August 2017. Source: Bloomberg, World Gold Council

Sources: Bloomberg, World Gold Council; Disclaimer

*Our Gold Return Attribution Model (GRAM) is a multiple regression model of weekly gold price returns, which we group into four key thematic driver categories of gold’s performance: economic expansion, risk & uncertainty, opportunity cost, and momentum. These themes capture motives behind gold demand; most importantly, investment demand, which is considered the marginal driver of gold price returns in the short run. ‘Unexplained’ represents the percentage change in the gold price that is not explained by factors already included. Results shown here are based on analysis covering an estimation period from September 2016 to August 2017.

To conclude

As we progress through the year the US presidential election will continue to dominate global news around the world.6 Unexpected events, as we have seen recently, have the capacity to rattle financial markets. 

In relation to the US presidential election’s impact on the gold price, we found gold slightly underperforms around elections relative to its long-term average, albeit not statistically significant. During the six months following the Trump and Biden inaugurations gold returns were roughly -2.6% and -6.4%, respectively. 

Furthermore, we know that prior elections have not created an immediate impact to geopolitical risk, rather, they have contributed positively or negatively to the broader risk landscape on a lag as administrations roll out policies. 

And while gold has not reacted, on average, to the outcome of past elections, the outcome of this election may have a more noticeable effect on investor sentiment. A continuation of election-related uncertainty and rising geopolitical threats will add more volatility and likely impact broader macro variables. This, in turn, could drive investors to evaluate how they might mitigate risk in their own portfolios and draw them towards a safe-haven asset like gold.


US bar and coin demand has doubled with Democrats

As a key component of demand, retail bar and coin gold investment is a relevant segment to monitor leading up to the US election.

Historical data suggests that the sale of gold coins via the US Mint tends to spike in anticipation of a Democratic victory. For reference, in any given month the average volume of ounces in gold coins sold to authorised purchasers via the US Mint is roughly 60,800 ounces.7 However, during the month of an election in which the Democrats win, this figure has risen on average to 86,400 ounces, compared with 71,000 ounces for Republican victories over the past 37 years.

Anecdotal evidence indicates that retail bar and coin buyers may be Republican leaning. This could partially explain the increase in demand around the election, particularly when a Democrat wins.

However, this pattern extends beyond the election month. Over the 12 months post a Democratic win, the average monthly volume sold is roughly 79,000 ounces compared to a mere 32,500 ounces observed after a Republican victory (Chart 7).


Chart 7: Gold coin mint sales are stronger with a Democrat in office

Quarterly volume of Gold Eagle and Gold Buffalo bullion coins sold by the US Mint*

Chart 7: Gold coin mint sales are stronger with a Democrat in office

Quarterly volume of Gold Eagle and Gold Buffalo bullion coins sold by the US Mint*

Chart 7: Gold coin mint sales are stronger with a Democrat in office
Quarterly volume of Gold Eagle and Gold Buffalo bullion coins sold by the US Mint*
*We acknowledge that Democratic victories have coincided with major economic or market events, and therefore disentangling the effect of a Democratic victory is not straightforward. Data as of 28 June 2024. Source: US Mint, Bloomberg, World Gold Council

Sources: Bloomberg, US Mint, World Gold Council; Disclaimer

*We acknowledge that Democratic victories have coincided with major economic or market events, and therefore disentangling the effect of a Democratic victory is not straightforward. Data as of 28 June 2024.

Similarly, bar and coin demand (the volume of gold bars and coins bought by individuals) tends to surge and remain elevated when a Democrat is in the White House (Chart 8).


Chart 8: Physical demand stronger with a Democrat administration in the White House

Quarterly US bar & coin demand in tonnes*

We found that average bar and coin demand during an election quarter equates to roughly 25t for Democratic victories, significantly higher than the 12t for Republican wins over the same period.

Looking over the next four quarters, we find that demand when a Democrat has control of the White House averages roughly 26t, compared to just 7t under a Republican administration.

These findings suggest that physical gold demand, whether motivated by demographics, political affiliation, or broader economic concerns, tends to increase under a Democratic administration.8

It is important to note, however, that these results do not hold for US gold ETF demand or COMEX futures positioning, nor are their effects - just like we see in the analysis of the gold price - either more short-term or more dependent on macro variables.


1In a previous study we found that midterms had a positive effect on equities and gold, with a Democratic sweep delivering the highest returns; however, these results were based on few observations and thus not statistically reliable. We also noted the impact of other factors like monetary policy or the direction of the US dollar as more relevant in predicting gold’s behaviour.

2Interestingly, prior analysis performed by State Street Global Advisors highlights that gold tends to outperform both equities and bonds in the year following an election in which the challenging party was victorious. The note on SSGA’s study can be found here. However, we note that this was not the outcome for gold after Trump’s or Biden’s first election victories.

3Per Matteo Iacoviello, the creator of the Index, the GPR Index is constructed as the share of press articles mentioning geopolitical tensions, by searching for specific words in newspaper articles related to geopolitical risks. The Index has a reliable track record of reflecting observed impacts to underlying economic variables at a global level.

4Data tested over the last four elections and with dummy variables where we found size, sign, and significance to be immaterial.

5Access to BlackRock’s geopolitical risk dashboard can be found here.

6It is worth noting that 2024 is an historic election year with elections taking place in 50 countries. The World Economic Forum estimates more than 2 billion voters will head to the polls. A summary of global elections can be found here.

7The Mint distributes uncirculated bullion coins through a network of wholesalers, brokerage companies, precious metal firms, coin dealers and participating banks, a network known as Authorised Purchasers (APs). These APs, in turn, create two-way market buying and selling to precious metal wholesalers as well as to private investors.

8The average demand for any given quarter, inclusive of the election quarter, equates to roughly 14t, over a period ranging from Q1’00 to Q3’23. It is also important to recognise, that we are working with a small sample, and broader event risks like the GFC and COVID and their proximity in timing around elections may have impacted results.

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