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Central bank buying slowed in Q2 but remained resolutely positive. This, combined with healthy investment and resilient jewellery demand, created a supportive environment for gold prices.
Continued momentum in central bank buying and resurgent Chinese consumer demand contrasted with a negative contribution from ETFs and weakness in India.
Colossal central bank purchases, aided by vigorous retail investor buying and slower ETF outflows, lifted annual demand to an 11-year high. Annual gold demand (excluding OTC) jumped 18% to 4,741t, almost on a par with 2011 – a time of exceptional investment demand. The strong full-year total was aided by record Q4 demand of 1,337t.
中央銀行による大量の買い入れに、活発な 個人投資家の購入やETFからの流出の鈍化 が加わって、年間需要は11年ぶりの高水準 に達しました 年間金需要(OTC を除く)は 18%増の 4,741 トンに急増しました。これは投 資需要が異例の大きさだった 2011 年に匹敵します。第 4 四半期の需要が 1,337 トンと過去最高を記録したことが、年間総需要の力強さを支えました。
第 3 四半期の金需要(OTC を除く)は、前年同期比で 28%増の 1,181 トンでした。年初来の累計需要は前年同期比で 18%増加し、コロナ前のレベルに戻りました。
Gold demand (excluding OTC) in Q3 was 28% higher y-o-y at 1,181t. Year-to-date (y-t-d) demand increased 18% vs the same period in 2021, returning to pre-pandemic levels.
Gold demand softened in Q2. Despite Q2 weakness, strong first quarter ETF inflows fuelled a notable H1 recovery Gold demand (excluding OTC) was 8% lower y-o-y at 948t. Combined with Q1 this took H1 demand to 2,189t, up 12% y-o-y.
Gold market sees solid start to 2022
Q1 gold demand was 34% above Q1 2021, driven by strong ETF inflows. In a quarter that saw the US dollar gold price rise by 8%, gold demand (excluding OTC) increased 34% y-o-y to 1,234t – the highest since Q4 2018 and 19% above the five-year average of 1,039t.
Annual demand recovered across virtually all sectors – the notable exception being ETFs, which saw net annual outflows
Q3 gold demand down 7% to 831t
ETF outflows outweighed continued recovery in other sectors