Investment Update: Gold's role in the changing asset allocation strategy of Australian super funds

Fuelled by the COVID-19 pandemic, Australia’s already declining cash target rate dropped to 0.1% in 2020, the lowest since 1990. This led to a reduction in Australian superannuation fund allocations to cash and bonds and an increase in risk-on assets, such as equities, in the hunt for returns. But will this move help achieve their desired returns at reasonable risk levels?

Gold ETFs Continue to Slide in September Driving Net Outflows in Q3

Gold-backed ETFs (gold ETFs) experienced net outflows of 15.2 tonnes (t) (-US$830mn, -0.4% AUM) in September. Outflows in Europe and North America were only partially offset by inflows in Asia. Global gold ETF holdings fell to 3,592t (US$201bn) during the month – the lowest tonnage level since April – as the gold price fell on the back of rising yields, a stronger dollar and a reduction in COMEX managed money net long positions.

Gold Market Commentary

Gold fell in September by 4% to around US$1,743/oz. This was the second consecutive month of declines, with gold now over 8% lower y-t-d. Gold wasn’t alone. Treasuries, Corporates, US- and non-US equities all fell in September possibly as a result of deleveraging. The Q2 level of margin debt for equities was at a record high. It would be understandable if some leverage has been removed as we head into the historically volatile month of October. And it’s quite possible that this de-leveraging has affected most assets (energy and industrial metals excepted).

Evaluating Qaurum: why simple isn't always best

A better gold valuation tool for investors

We launched QaurumSM almost two years ago in response to a vocal need for more robust and accessible gold valuation analytics. While these exist in abundance for other asset classes, gold investors have historically had to settle for something more cursory or incomplete.

Rethink, Rebalance, Reset: Institutional Portfolio Strategies for the Post-Pandemic Period

As the global economy emerges from an unprecedented shutdown, both policymakers and investors are operating in uncharted territory. To better understand investor strategies during this important transitional period, we interviewed approximately 500 institutional investors around the world about their portfolios, allocations and views on markets, gold and other individual asset classes.

Gold mid-year outlook 2021

Interest rates will likely remain key drivers of financial assets. Gold is no exception. Yet, the negative impact of higher rates will likely be offset by the longer lasting effects and unintended consequences of expansionary monetary and fiscal policies created to support the global economy.