Peter Sinclair
Senior Advisor World Gold CouncilWGC joins the Responsible Minerals Initiative

When you buy a consumer product that comes with the label “responsibly sourced”, what exactly is behind that statement? This is at the heart of the mission of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) which the World Gold Council recently joined as an association member.
Peter Sinclair
Senior Advisor World Gold CouncilEquivalency Benchmarks – Dealing with Audit Fatigue
An equivalency benchmark, comparing the Responsible Gold Mining Principles and ICMM’s Mining Principles was released today, helping to increase the efficiency of audits.
Peter Sinclair
Senior Advisor World Gold CouncilEquivalency Benchmarks – Dealing with Audit Fatigue
An equivalency benchmark, comparing the Responsible Gold Mining Principles and ICMM’s Mining Principles was released today, helping to increase the efficiency of audits.
Peter Sinclair
Senior Advisor World Gold CouncilRe-imaging gold as an ESG investment

In-depth: In a world where consumers of every age group are increasingly interested in the source of their products and the ethical standards by which they are produced, some may think gold doesn’t stack up as a responsible investment.