Investment update – The Case for Gold in DC Asset Allocations

The traditional Defined Contribution (DC) investment portfolio made up of equities and bonds has come under increasing pressure in the last 18 months. Faced with rising inflation volatility risks and a highly uncertain economic backdrop, could now be the time to reconsider traditional thinking? We believe investors would benefit from expanding their “safe havens” options by considering gold.

2022 Chinese gold jewellery market insights

The notable rebound in Q3 Chinese gold jewellery demand from the COVID-stricken Q2 and easing COVID restrictions paints a bright picture for the future. And our third annual gold jewellery retailer survey with China Gold News suggest that opportunities abound.

The Case for Gold in DC Asset Allocations

The traditional Defined Contribution (DC) investment portfolio made up of equities and bonds has worked well for investors for a long time. For much of the last 15 years, the environment that has afforded this success has been driven by central bank actions such as ultra-low interest rates and quantitative easing.

Union Budget impact on Indian gold market

The Indian government’s sustained campaign for improving overall tax compliance through a carrot-and-stick policy was reflected again in the 2021-22 Union Budget, with a few material announcements that impact gold.