John Reade

Senior Market Strategist, Europe and Asia World Gold Council

2019 Central Bank Gold Reserves Survey signals more buying to come

Our Central Banks and Public Policy team have just published the results of the 2019 Central Bank Gold Reserves Survey. The survey gives a fascinating insight into the minds of central bankers and is especially timely since central banks continue to post record-breaking levs of net gold purchases in recent quarters.

Publication date time
5 years ago

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Ray Jia

Research Head, China World Gold Council

VAT in China

In March the amount of gold that left Shanghai Gold Exchange vaults - also known as the SGE loadouts - hit 218t. This is a chunky number. It is the highest March on record, almost 30% higher than the average monthly loadout since the start of 2016 and a 13% increase on March 2018.

Publication date time
5 years 3 months ago

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