Weekly Markets Monitor
Weekly Markets Monitor: Gold claims US$3,000/oz

When considering the factors driving up gold miners’ All-in sustaining costs (AISC), Q3’24 was a busy period. AISC rose to US$1,456/oz (up 4% q/q and 9% y/y), the highest point in our data series back to Q1’10.
Delaying our Gold Market Commentary until after the possibly volatility-inducing US election, we instead take stock of some interesting statistics regarding October's and the year-to-date stellar run-up in gold prices.
In July, China’s wholesale gold demand remained weak and the local gold price premium trended down further. However, gold ETFs saw their eighth consecutive monthly inflows, pushing the total assets under management and holdings to record highs. And China’s official gold holdings remained unchanged.
Gold rose to a new all-time high in mid-May before pulling back, likely on profit taking, to close the month at US$2,343/oz. This delivered a 1% monthly increase, adding to gains in March (9%) and April (5%).
International and domestic gold prices moderated from the April peaks but ended the month with gains following the notable price rise of March. After a weak March and April, there was resurgence in gold demand around the Akshaya Tritiya festival. Domestic gold prices continue to trade at a discount in relation to the international prices, but the discounts have narrowed from a month ago. Meanwhile, the RBI added to its gold reserves in April and gold ETFs witnessed outflows for the first time in 12 months.
In Q4’23 gold miners’ global average all-in sustaining costs (AISC) rose again, up 2% q/q to US$1,342/oz as persistent cost inflation and a tight labour market continued to influence on-site operating costs. There is a silver lining however, because the rate of increase is slowing and the higher gold price has eased pressure on producer margins.
In April, China’s wholesale gold demand climbed further as strong investment demand canceled off jewellery sector weaknesses. Chinese gold ETFs registered their strongest month on record whilst the local central bank announced gold purchases for the 18th consecutive month.
In this insightful episode hosted by John Reade and Joseph Cavatoni from the World Gold Council, guest Karim Chedid, Head of EMEA Investment Strategy for iShares and a Managing Director at BlackRock, discusses the current macroeconomic environment.
International and domestic gold prices alike retreated in January. Prices nevertheless remain high and this has been impacting gold jewellery demand in India. Gold imports too have moderated. Domestic gold prices began to trade at a premium to international prices since late January following nearly three months of trading at a discount. Meanwhile, the RBI made the highest monthly purchase of gold in eighteen months in January and Indian gold ETFs continue to see inflows.
Last week, we held an investor webinar with a focus on geopolitics, macro-economics and asset allocation in 2024. Joe Cavatoni, our Market Strategist for the Americas was joined for an insightful dialogue with two seasoned investment experts.