Kavita Chacko
Research Head, India World Gold CouncilIndia gold market update: Record high prices, accompanied by investment interest
Kavita Chacko
Research Head, India World Gold CouncilIndia gold market update: Gold outpaces other asset classes
Even with a price moderation in November and December, gold surpasses other key asset classes to lead returns in 2024. Jewellery demand slowed amid high prices and an inauspicious period on the Hindu calendar.
Kavita Chacko
Research Head, India World Gold CouncilIndia’s gold market update: Festive buying holds ground in the face of high prices
Despite record-high prices Diwali gold demand was healthy, with strong sales driven by investment appeal. Indian gold ETFs continue to attract strong interest from investors, with October seeing the largest inflows on record. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has purchased 64t of gold to date this year, making it the second highest annual purchase on record. Uptick in gold imports in October.
Kavita Chacko
Research Head, India World Gold CouncilIndia’s gold market update: Anticipating a festive boost
The surge in demand from the import duty cut was tempered by fresh record-high prices and an inauspicious period in September according to the Hindu calendar. Domestic gold prices are currently at a slight discount over landed cost1 amid normalising demand. However, signs of festive buying are beginning to emerge. With an addition of 54.7t y-t-d,2 the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) gold reserves have grown by 7%. Increased interest in Indian gold ETFs; inflow momentum remains strong. Gold imports see moderation in imports after August surge.
Kavita Chacko
Research Head, India World Gold CouncilIndia’s gold market update: Gold market broadens; expansion in physical and financial holdings
Domestic gold price tracks the upward trend in international prices. Consumer demand stabilises but maintains strength; festive season momentum key. Premium of domestic gold prices over landed cost shrinks. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has added 50t to its gold reserves so far this year. Streak of fund inflows into Indian gold ETFs continues, with highest monthly inflows on record in August. Gold imports hit a new high in August
Kavita Chacko
Research Head, India World Gold CouncilIndia’s gold market update: Import duty reduction, a catalyst for demand
The reduction of gold’s import duty brought domestic gold prices lower 6% m/m, with y-t-d gains now at 10%. The lower import duty has also reportedly boosted consumer demand ahead of the festive season. In turn, strong demand pushed the domestic gold price to a premium relative to the landed price following five months of discounts. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) continued with its consistent but measured approach to buying gold. Gold ETFs saw substantial inflows in July on the back of adjustments to the treatment of long-term capital gains. Gold imports also maintained their momentum in July.
Kavita Chacko
Research Head, India World Gold CouncilIndian gold import duties reduced to the lowest level in over a decade
Gold import duty was cut by more than half. Long-term capital gains tax on gold has been adjusted down and the holding period decreased. Profits on gold ETFs and mutual funds will no longer be taxed at the short-term capital gains rate if held for at least 12 months. Despite some potential short-term disruptions, we expect the combined effects of these changes to add at least 50t to gold demand in H2 2024.
Kavita Chacko
Research Head, India World Gold CouncilIndia’s gold market update: investment demand and central bank purchases soften the slump in jewellery purchasing
Global and domestic gold prices stay elevated, y-t-d gains at 16%. Jewellery demand subdued; investment demand dominant. Significant widening of discounts between domestic and international gold prices. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) grows its gold reserves with its highest monthly purchase in nearly two years in June. Gold ETFs inflows sustain momentum in June. Steady trend in gold imports.
Kavita Chacko
Research Head, India World Gold CouncilIndia’s gold market update: demand takes a breather following festival rush
Gold rose to a new all-time high in mid-May before pulling back, likely on profit taking, to close the month at US$2,343/oz. This delivered a 1% monthly increase, adding to gains in March (9%) and April (5%).
Kavita Chacko
Research Head, India World Gold CouncilIndia’s gold market update: festival acts as a catalyst for demand
International and domestic gold prices moderated from the April peaks but ended the month with gains following the notable price rise of March. After a weak March and April, there was resurgence in gold demand around the Akshaya Tritiya festival. Domestic gold prices continue to trade at a discount in relation to the international prices, but the discounts have narrowed from a month ago. Meanwhile, the RBI added to its gold reserves in April and gold ETFs witnessed outflows for the first time in 12 months.
Kavita Chacko
Research Head, India World Gold CouncilIndia’s gold market update: high prices dent consumer demand
International and domestic gold prices alike touched record high in early March. The price surge presents headwinds for gold demand, even in the face of the ongoing wedding season. Domestic gold prices is trading at a discount in relation to the international prices with demand being crimped by high prices. Meanwhile, the RBI added to its gold reserves in February, inflows into gold ETFs maintained positive momentum and imports saw a sharp rise.
Kavita Chacko
Research Head, India World Gold CouncilIndia’s gold market update: muted consumption demand
International and domestic gold prices alike retreated in January. Prices nevertheless remain high and this has been impacting gold jewellery demand in India. Gold imports too have moderated. Domestic gold prices began to trade at a premium to international prices since late January following nearly three months of trading at a discount. Meanwhile, the RBI made the highest monthly purchase of gold in eighteen months in January and Indian gold ETFs continue to see inflows.
Mukesh Kumar
Former Senior Analyst, India World Gold CouncilIndia’s gold market in December: retail demand sluggish and imports tumbled
The international gold price shot up by 3% in December to US$1,812/oz, supported by expectations of a less-hawkish US Fed in the light of lower yields and dollar weakness.
Mukesh Kumar
Former Senior Analyst, India World Gold CouncilIndia’s gold market in October: festivals and weddings lifted retail demand
The domestic gold price diverged from the international gold price: the MCX Gold Spot price rose marginally by 0.2% compared to a 2% decline in the LBMA Gold Price AM in USD
Mukesh Kumar
Former Senior Analyst, India World Gold CouncilIndia’s gold market in September: retail demand healthy and outlook strong
Healthy retail demand in September drove the local price briefly into premium, but market dynamics generated a discount for much of the month. Indian gold ETFs witnessed a marginal net inflow of 0.4t in September as a domestic gold price correction enticed investors back into gold
Mukesh Kumar
Former Senior Analyst, India World Gold CouncilIndia’s gold market in July: retail demand tepid but wholesale demand decent
Retail demand is gradually picking up, supported by festivals during the month and ahead of the wedding season. Official imports are expected to pick up during August on the back of improved retail demand.