Krishan Gopaul

Senior Analyst, EMEA World Gold Council

Potential side-effects of monetary and fiscal medicine

Wishful thinking. That’s how Angel Gurría, secretary general of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), responded to any prospect of a swift economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. But the scale of the impact on the global economy – as well as our daily lives – has been matched by the scale of the financial response.

Publication date time
4 years 3 months ago

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Krishan Gopaul

Senior Analyst, EMEA World Gold Council

ECB review signals little change in short-term

At the end of January, the new head of the European Central Bank (ECB), Christine Lagarde, announced the launch of a year-long strategic review of the bank’s monetary policy strategy. Stemming from this, there has been much discussion recently about the ECB’s existing “below but close to 2%” inflation target, and whether this needs to be made more specific, both in aim and measurement. 

Publication date time
4 years 5 months ago

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Krishan Gopaul

Senior Analyst, EMEA World Gold Council

No summer holiday for central bank demand

Over the past 18 months, central banks have had a voracious appetite for gold. Alongside the impressive AUM growth in gold-backed ETFs, this has been one of the most prominent stories in the gold market. As we noted in the most recent edition of Gold Demand Trends, in H1 2019 central bank demand hit the highest level since becoming net buyers in 2010.

Publication date time
4 years 10 months ago

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